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Boorish Behavior, Speeding Infractions and Fatal Car Accidents

Firm News | April 4, 2012 When Indiana passed a law aimed at aggressive driving, it became the first state to do so since 2005. It joined 10 other states in attempting to reduce fatal car accidents by punishing aggressive drivers. The Governors Highway Safety Association recently released a report…


Federal Law Bans Renting Out Recalled Cars

Car accidents | March 1, 2012 The largest car rental company in the United States is no longer opposing a new federal regulation impacting recalled vehicles and the rental industry. Enterprise Rent-A-Car had previously treated the new law concerning recalled dangerous vehicles as unnecessary and had allegedly lobbied against its…


Rearview Camera Law to Reduce Fatal Car-Pedestrian Accidents

Auto Accident | March 1, 2012 The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is proposing a mandate to Congress, requiring automakers to equip all new passenger vehicles with rearview cameras by 2014. The cameras primary benefit would be to reduce the fatal car accidents involving vehicles backing over pedestrians, most often…


Are Further Changes to the Workers’ Compensation System Coming?

Work Accidents | February 15, 2012 When it was revealed that Illinois had among the most expensive workers’ compensation systems, employers across the state clamored for change. Most of the changes suggested would restrict the rights of injured workers to obtain full compensation and see the doctor of their choosing.…


Children Injured in Car Accidents While Carpooling

Auto Accident | February 3, 2012 Safety measures that parents insist upon for their own children may be ignored when carpooling responsibilities place multiple children in the vehicle. Research has shown that parents are more likely to expose children to injury in a car accident if they are carpooling. Properly…

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