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How To Avoid Truck Accidents

Truck Accidents | November 1, 2016

With fall and winter weather on fast approach, this question is especially relevant. While the trucking industry and its regulators must do all they can to reduce and prevent commercial truck accidents, other motorists should also do their own part to enhance roadway safety. This is just as true in Illinois as it is in other states.

The basic answer to your questions is yes! You and other Chicago-based drivers can do many things to avoid colliding with tractor-trailer trucks. This post will provide readers with just a few tips to help keep all of you safer on Illinois roadways.

  • Avoid trucks’ blind spots: These include the rear of the vehicle, the sides of the vehicle and where the trailer joins with the truck.
  • Be cautions at intersections: Tractor-trailers must often swing wide when turning at an intersection. Give the vehicle plenty of room to turn by hanging back or switching to a different lane.
  • Be cautious on uphill slopes: Occasionally, a semitruck may drift backwards on steep inclines when the driver is changing gears. Hanging back by several car lengths can help you avoid colliding with the truck.
  • Maintain a safe distance when following: Again, be cautious anytime you are traveling behind a tractor-trailer. This gives you and the truck driver plenty of room to take evasive action if a dangerous situation arises.
  • Be cautious when passing: Make sure the road and traffic conditions are safe when passing. Also, be sure to use your signals so that the truck driver is aware of your intentions.

Hopefully, you and other safety-minded Chicago citizens will never be involved in a truck accident, but if you are, be aware that you may pursue a legal remedy by consulting a Chicago truck accident lawyer.

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