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What Is Medical Payments Coverage?

Personal Injury | April 15, 2021

Getting involved in an accident can be a terrifying experience, and it can bring significant complications into a person’s life. One of the main complications in these situations deals with paying for medical expenses for any person who sustained an injury as a result of the accident. There are various types of insurance coverages that can be used to pay for medical expenses after an auto collision, and one of these types is called “medical payments coverage.” Here, our Chicago personal injury lawyers want to discuss medical payments coverage and how this could be beneficial following a car accident in Illinois.

Understanding Medical Payments Coverage

If you live in Illinois and have not heard of medical payments coverage when it comes to vehicle accidents, that is okay. Do not panic because you still probably have all of the insurance you are required to have under state law. In Illinois, drivers must carry and maintain the following types of vehicle insurance to remain legal:

  • Bodily injury liability coverage: Minimum $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident
  • Property damage liability coverage: Minimum $20,000
  • Uninsured motorist bodily injury coverage: Minimum $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident

When we look at this insurance, there should be one big takeaway – this type of coverage generally pays for the expenses of other parties if the insured person causes an accident. But what happens if a person is found to have caused an accident? How do they pay their medical expenses if they sustain an injury?

That is where medical payments coverage comes in. Medical payments coverage is designed to pay the medical expenses of a driver or their passengers if they are involved in a car accident, regardless of which party caused the incident. In a sense, medical payments coverage can turn any potential accident into a “no-fault” scenario.

Medical payments coverage is beneficial for a few reasons. First, a person who causes an accident can still receive coverage for their medical bills if they have paid for this type of insurance. Second, even if a person did not cause the crash, there is often a gap of time between when the accident occurs and when the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier settles a claim. This can leave the victim with no way to pay their expenses right away. Medical payments coverage and provide faster payment in these situations.

Medical payment coverage could help pay the following expenses for a driver and their passengers:

  • Doctor or hospital visits
  • X-rays, MRIs, or other tests
  • Surgical procedures
  • Ambulance and EMS fees
  • Professional nursing services
  • Health insurance deductibles or co-pays
  • …and more

Is This Different From Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage?

Anyone familiar with “no-fault” insurance states has likely heard about personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. Personal injury protection coverage is available in states that are considered “no-fault,” which means that drivers will turn to their own insurance carrier for insurance coverage regardless of who caused the crash in just about every situation. In these states, PIP coverage is required.

Medical payments coverage is available in states that do not have PIP coverage available (in other words, in states that are not “no-fault”).

Illinois is a fault-based state concerning car accidents, which means that medical payments coverage is available to our drivers. We strongly suggest that all of our readers consider obtaining medical payments coverage to help pay their expenses after any type of accident that could occur.

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