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North Chicago & St. Louis Injury Updates


How Does a Brain Injury Cause Pituitary Gland Damage?

Brain Injuries | July 17, 2021 Traumatic brain injuries can significantly impact a person’s life. These are some of the most severe injuries that a human can suffer from. More mild traumatic brain injuries, such as concussions, typically do not result in significant long-term damage. However, the effects of any…


Construction Site Injuries & Third-Party Claims in Illinois

Construction Accidents | July 3, 2021 Accidents occur at construction sites with regularity. Despite stringent regulations about workplace safety in construction areas, the reality is that there are going to be times when injuries occur. In most situations, a person injured on the job at a construction site will be…


Can I Still Recover Damages If I Wasn’t Wearing a Helmet During a Motorcycle Accident?

Motorcycle Accident | June 8, 2021 Motorcycle accidents are often devastating for the motorcyclists involved. Unfortunately, the sheer size and weight of other vehicles on the roadway often mean that motorcyclists sustain significant impacts when a crash occurs. In the state of Illinois, the law does not require motorcycle operators…


Handling a Personal Injury Claim on Your Own vs. Hiring A Lawyer

Personal Injury | June 4, 2021 If you or somebody you care about has sustained an injury caused by the careless or negligent actions of another individual or entity, you will likely be entitled to various types of compensation. However, securing that compensation can be challenging. Often, injury victims attempt…

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