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North Chicago & St. Louis Injury Updates


What Happens if I Wasn’t Wearing a Seat Belt in My Car Accident?

Car accidents | October 7, 2021 Vehicle accidents often result in severe injuries for those involved. This is particularly true for those not wearing a seat belt at the time a collision occurs. However, what happens if you are not wearing a seat belt when another driver causes a vehicle…


What Makes Truck Accidents More Dangerous Than Car Crashes?

Truck Accidents | October 6, 2021 Any vehicle accident has the potential to lead to significant injuries and extensive property damage. However, accidents involving larger commercial trucks are typically more devastating. These vehicles can weigh tens of thousands of pounds, and they are much larger than traditional passenger vehicles on…


Mistakes to Avoid in a Personal Injury Claim

Personal Injury | October 5, 2021 If you or a loved one sustains an injury caused by another individual, business, or entity, you need to know how to recover compensation for your losses. Most personal injury claims in Illinois are resolved through settlements with insurance carriers. However, some injury claims…


Suffering a Car Accident With an Uninsured Driver

Car accidents | October 3, 2021 Vehicle accidents occur regularly in Chicago and throughout Illinois. In most cases, individuals are able to recover compensation through an insurance settlement in the aftermath of a crah. However, what happens if you are injured or sustain property damage as a result of the…

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