Articles Posted in Car accidents

Car accidents | July 14, 2021

Dangers of Late Night Driving
There are various reasons why driving at night presents more danger than driving during the day. Even though nighttime driving typically means that the roadways are less crowded, there are other dangers that crop up that could lead to significant injuries in the event of a collision occurs. Here, our Chicago personal injury lawyers want to discuss a few dangers that may not be specific only to nighttime driving but that are much more prevalent during the late-night hours.

Alcohol and Drug-Impaired Driving

Car accidents | July 8, 2021

Determining Fault in a Lane Change Accident
Lane changes are perhaps one of the most dangerous things that a person can do on the roadway. Even though changing lanes may seem like a routine procedure, the reality is that there is a certain amount of care and skill required to safely carry out these maneuvers. Unfortunately, accidents involving lane changes are not uncommon throughout Illinois. Here, our car accident lawyers want to discuss who could be at fault when a lane change accident occurs on highways or local roadways.

Determining Fault in a Lane Change Accident

Car accidents | July 1, 2021

Vehicle Accidents and Fibromyalgia
Car accidents regularly lead to injuries that are immediately apparent. This can include broken and dislocated bones, severe lacerations, spinal cord trauma, and more. However, car accidents can also cause injuries that do not show up right away. One of these injuries is called fibromyalgia, which is a medical condition that can lead to severe pain and mental health complications over extended periods of time.

As we discuss fibromyalgia, we want to point out that researchers do not know the exact cause of this condition. However, they have linked it to infections, trauma, and genetics. Vehicle accidents could potentially trigger fibromyalgia through physical trauma and psychological stress.

Car accidents | June 20, 2021

If you are involved in a vehicle accident, the number one priority will have to be obtaining medical care so you can make a full recovery. However, after the initial emergency is over with, the concern will quickly go to how to pay incoming medical expenses. After all, if another driver was responsible for the vehicle accident, shouldn’t they be the ones paying for the medical bills?

Unfortunately, that is not always how this works, at least not in the immediate aftermath of the crash. Here, our Chicago car accident lawyers discuss who pays medical bills after a car accident, particularly focusing on the immediate medical expenses as well as any ongoing medical bills a person might incur as they work to recover.

Car accidents | June 11, 2021

People know that they have to obtain and maintain the minimum car insurance requirements for the state of Illinois in order to remain legal on the roadway. We will get into the specific types of insurance needed in a moment, but we also want to mention a type of auto insurance coverage that many people are not aware of – personal injury protection (PIP).

Personal injury protection is designed to help a person cover their medical bills and lost income in the event they are involved in a vehicle accident. Here, our Chicago car accident attorneys discuss how this type of insurance coverage can be beneficial to individuals and their family members, and we want to discuss whether or not PIP insurance is required in Illinois.

Car accidents | May 26, 2021

Blind Spot Liability: Who Is Responsible After an Accident
Every vehicle has blind spots. Yes, some vehicles have larger blind spots than others, but every driver needs to be aware that there are areas around their vehicle that they cannot see when they look in their side or rearview mirrors. If a driver fails to check their blind spots before attempting a maneuver with their vehicle, this could result in an accident. Here, our Chicago car accident lawyers want to discuss who can be held liable in the aftermath of a blind spot car accident.

How do Blind Spot Accidents Occur?

Car accidents | May 13, 2021

Minors & Car Accidents in Illinois
Vehicle accidents are not uncommon in Chicago and throughout Illinois. Unfortunately, it is also not uncommon for those involved to sustain significant injuries. In general, victims of vehicle accidents will be able to recover compensation from the at-fault party. However, there is often confusion about what happens if a minor (somebody under the age of 18) causes a vehicle accident. Clearly, minors are allowed to operate vehicles in Illinois, so how will this affect the outcome of a vehicle accident that they cause?

If you have been involved in an accident, contact our Chicago car accident lawyers today for a free consultation.

Car accidents | April 28, 2021

When is a Car Considered Totaled?
You have certainly heard the term “totaled” when it comes to a vehicle after a collision occurs. To be truthful, many people throw this term around loosely, but it does actually have a specific meaning when it comes to car accident cases. Here, we want to talk about what it means for a car to be totaled. This could have significant implications on your insurance claim in the aftermath of a vehicle accident.

What Does it Mean When a Car is “Totaled?”

Car accidents | April 1, 2021

Collecting Damages After a "Minor" Auto Accident
Vehicle accidents are not uncommon in Illinois, particularly around crowded urban areas like Chicago. The vast majority of crashes are considered “minor” when we look at data provided by the Illinois Department of Transportation. However, just because a crash is minor does not mean that those involved should not be entitled to collect damages. Here, we want to discuss the various expenses that victims of car accidents can incur, as well as whether or not they can secure compensation from an at-fault party in the aftermath. If you have been injured in an accident and need additional information about your claim, speak to our Chicago car accident lawyers today.

Not all Vehicle Accidents in Illinois are Considered Catastrophic

Car accidents | March 18, 2021

Any car accident has the potential to become complicated when it comes to proving liability. However, determining liability for a car accident is crucial, particularly when it comes to ensuring that compensation is paid to any injury or property damage victim. However, what happens when an accident involves three different parties? This can further complicate an already complex situation.

Here, we want to discuss how fault is determined in a three-way car accident. We also want to discuss whether or not it will be beneficial for those in these situations to seek assistance from a Chicago car accident attorney.

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