Car accidents | November 3, 2020

If you are one of the first people at the scene of a car accident, or if you witnessed a car accident occur, you have an ethical obligation to help those involved to the best of your ability. While you may not have a legal responsibility to intervene, any support you give could end up saving somebody’s life. We understand that most car accident witnesses are not able to provide extensive care to those involved, but there are several steps witnesses can take to ensure that car accident victims receive the care they need. If you have been involved in an accident, contact our Chicago car accident attorneys today for a free consultation.

Car Accident Witness Responsibility

Immediately After a Crash Occurs

Car accidents | November 1, 2020

Whiplash Injuries in a Side-Impact Collision
Side-impact collisions, often referred to as T-bone collisions, can have a devastating effect on vehicle drivers and passengers. Side-impact collisions that occur at high speeds often cause devastating injuries because there is generally not much space between the impacting vehicle and the bodies of those in the vehicle being struck.

Most people do not think of whiplash as an injury associated with T-bone collisions. However, side-impact collisions can certainly cause whiplash, and these injuries can result in a victim suffering from significant pain and needing extended medical care. If you have been involved in a side-impact accident, call our Chicago car accident lawyers today for a free consultation.

Car accidents,Personal Injury | October 30, 2020

Nobody wants to be involved in a vehicle accident. Unfortunately, accidents are not uncommon, and victims are often left struggling to find reliable transportation while their vehicle is being repaired. Often, a rental vehicle is the best option for car accident victims. However, rentals are not cheap, and it is important to understand who will be paying for a rental car in the aftermath of a crash. Will the insurance carrier cover the costs, or will a victim have to pay for the rental out-of-pocket? If you have been involved in an accident, contact our Chicago car accident lawyers today for a free case evaluation.

A Rental Vehicle Is Often Necessary In These Cases

Car accidents | October 26, 2020

Vehicle accidents have a variety of causes, and they range in severity. Many vehicle accidents are relatively minor, while others result in severe injuries and property damage. It is not uncommon for T-bone collisions to cause catastrophic injuries for those involved. These collisions happen in a variety of ways, usually due to driver error. Here, we want to discuss how liability is proven in the aftermath of a T-bone crash. Victims in these cases must be able to obtain the compensation they need to make a full recovery. For more information on your potential claim, speak to a Chicago T-bone accident lawyer today.

Common Causes Of T-Bone Collisions In Illinois

Wrongful Death | October 25, 2020

Losing a loved one is incredibly difficult. This is particularly true when somebody loses their life due to the actions of other individuals, businesses, or entities. Wrongful death laws in Illinois allow family members of those who have been killed due to the negligence of others to recover compensation for their losses. However, these cases can become incredibly complicated, but it is important to understand when a death is considered “wrongful” in Illinois. If you believe you have a wrongful death case, contact a Chicago wrongful death lawyer today at Seidman, Margulis & Fariman LLP today for a free case evaluation.

Most Common Causes Of Wrongful Death Cases In Illinois

Car accidents | October 24, 2020

Steps To Take After a Multi-Car Collision
Vehicle accidents have various causes in and around the Chicago area, and the aftermath of a crash can become confusing for those involved. This is particularly true when there are multiple vehicles involved in a single collision. Here, our team of Chicago car accident attorneys want to discuss steps you can take after being involved in a multi-car crash in Chicago. These steps can help ensure that you are treated fairly, that your claim is properly processed, and that you obtain the compensation you deserve after a collision.

Steps You Need To Take After A Multi-Car Collision In Chicago

Personal Injury | October 22, 2020

Ordinary Negligence vs. Gross Negligence
Personal injury cases can become complicated. If you or somebody you love has been injured due to the actions of another individual, company, or entity, you should be entitled to compensation for your losses. However, securing compensation will likely revolve around proving negligence. Here, our Chicago personal injury lawyers discuss the difference between “ordinary negligence” and “gross negligence.” Determining negligence is an important aspect of winning a personal injury case, and the particular type of negligence could impact the total compensation a victim receives.

Understanding Ordinary Negligence

Firm News | October 20, 2020

Reasons Why An Insurance Claim May Be Denied
Dealing with insurance carriers is not on the top of anybody’s “to do” list. However, if you or somebody you care about has been injured due to the actions of somebody else, you will likely end up having to work with insurance carriers in order to receive compensation for your losses. Insurance claim denials are not uncommon, and they can happen for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, an insurance carrier will deny a claim for a valid reason. Unfortunately, there are also times when insurance carriers act in bad faith when denying a claim. Here, our Chicago personal injury lawyers want to discuss some of the top reasons for insurance claim denials in Chicago.

Valid Reasons Why An Insurance Claim May Be Denied

Personal Injury | October 17, 2020

If you or somebody you care about has been involved in a vehicle accident, you will most likely have to deal with insurance carriers in the aftermath. This is particularly true if there has been significant property damage, injuries, or a fatality. The vast majority of vehicle accidents are resolved through settlements with insurance carriers, but that does not mean the process will be easy. Often, victims will be asked to give a recorded statement to an insurance carrier.

Here, our team of Chicago car accident lawyers want to discuss why you should never give a recorded statement to insurance carriers, how they can use this information against you, and whether or not you need an attorney for your case.

nursing home abuse | October 16, 2020

Mental Trauma to Nursing Home Residents in Chicago
Nursing home abuse is abhorrent, and it can occur in a variety of ways. There are millions of nursing home residents throughout the United States, and the number of elderly people requiring assistance increases every year. Not all types of nursing home abuse are related to physical trauma. Nursing home residents can also experience mental trauma as well. Here, our Chicago nursing home abuse lawyers want to discuss the emotional and psychological trauma that nursing home victims can endure at the hands of their caretakers.

Understanding Emotional And Psychological Abuse In Nursing Homes

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